5 Reasons Why Audiobooks Will Change Your Life

My husband and I recently developed an obsession with audiobooks and they have pretty much replaced our original forms of entertainment like watching Netflix or YouTube videos. People often tell me that they can’t listen to books, they need to actually see the words. I tried listening to books many years ago and felt the same way. But I’ve since realized that the issue wasn’t that I needed to see the words. The problem was that I hadn’t chosen the right books for me. In order for you to enjoy audiobooks, it’s essential that you pick topics that you’re interested in. Lately, I’ve been wanting to learn about social media, marketing, minimalism and parenting. Choosing books related to these topics made it very easy for me to listen to them and retain the information.

Here are 5 reasons why you should consider listening to audiobooks.

1. Great Use of Time

We’re all tight on time and can rarely find a minute to sit down and crack open a book. That’s the best thing about audiobooks. You can listen to them while doing mundane tasks like cooking, cleaning, driving or working out. You’ll actually start to look forward to these tasks because now you’ll get to listen to a great book while doing them.

I recently shared a YouTube video all about my top 5 productivity tips. Check it out if you want to learn how you can accomplish a lot more on a daily basis.

 2. Learn and Improve

I have learned so much in the past few months and I’m constantly improving. For example, my children were always fighting and I was always yelling. I listened to a few parenting books and what a difference it’s made! We’re still working on it, but I’ve been able to learn so many techniques I can try at home. The best part is that this is expert advice that I’d probably have to pay thousands of dollars for if I were to hire someone for their consulting services.

3. Improve Attention Span and Listening Skills

Since you're constantly paying attention and listening for many hours, you’re bound to improve these skills. We’re so distracted these days with all of our gadgets and constant flow of information and notifications. We need to work on improving our attention span and listening skills, and this is a great way to do that!

4. Helps with Mental Health

If you’re feeling down about something or not achieving success in a certain area, simply get an audiobook about that topic. Immediately you’ll be given expert advice and strategies you can implement to improve in this area. By just having some strategies that you can eventually work towards, you’ll start to see an immediate boost in your mental health. 

5. Space Saving 

Obviously one of my favourite things about audiobooks is that they don’t take up any space in my tiny and tidy home. I simply download my books from the public library and from Audible. When I’m done the ones from the library, I just return them and they’re no longer on my phone. As for the audible ones, if I like the book I keep it, and if I don’t, I make sure to return it. Even though it isn’t physical clutter, I still don’t want a collection of books that I don’t like in my audible library.

If you haven’t already done so, I really hope you’ll give audiobooks a chance. They have honestly been life-changing for my husband and I! You can get your first book for free by clicking here.

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