5 Reasons Why Routines Are Important

When it comes to keeping your family organized, it’s important to have routines. I’ve been an elementary school teacher for many years and routines are essential in our classrooms. Here’s a list of reasons why you should consider implementing routines at home.

1. Save Time

When you have routines in place, everyone knows what’s suppose to happen next and time isn’t wasted trying to figure out what should be done. As long as you stick to your routines everything will eventually start to flow, which will result in a more efficient schedule.

2. Develop Good Habits

If you do something every single day, it will soon become a habit and will no longer feel like a chore. For example, making your bed every day or teaching your kids to brush their teeth every night before bed will ensure that it becomes a habit. You will then naturally incorporate these tasks into your regular schedule.

3. Accomplish More

By having routines you’ll make sure that you schedule your most important tasks first and this will ensure that the most important things are always getting done. Over time, you will become proficient at these tasks and will be able to complete them faster. You will then start to add more things to your to-do list and you will soon notice that you can accomplish quite a bit in a single day by implementing routines.

4. Reduces Procrastination

Since having routines will turn your tasks into habits, you won’t procrastinate on doing them anymore. They’ll just be a natural part of your day and you will always do them. For example, if going for a morning run is part of your routine, you won’t leave it for the evening or the next day. Time has been allotted for that specific task, making it a lot easier to do. Once you start doing it every day, it’ll just become a regular part of your everyday life.

5.  Children Need It

Children thrive when we have routines in place. They tend to have a fear of the unknown and routines will help them feel safe. Being in a chaotic home will make it very difficult for them to focus. Having routines in place will help them be calmer and make things run more smoothly.

Keeping track of family schedules can be tricky. This week I shared a video on my YouTube channel that can help you keep track of all of your family members' schedules. This easy DIY project is helpful in any busy household and I highly recommend that you consider creating one for your home.

Having worked as a teacher for many years and earning a Master of Education degree has helped me learn the importance of routines and organization. I have implemented schedules and systems to keep both my classroom and home organized. If you’re interested in learning the exact home maintenance, cleaning and meal planning schedules and routines that I have in place to keep my home and family organized, sign up for my Clear the Clutter Membership. I will teach you how to declutter, organize and clean your home step-by-step, room by room. You will also learn what systems you need to implement so that everything is easy to maintain.

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