Changes I Noticed After I Started Making My Bed Every Morning

I didn’t always make it a priority to make my bed. If I managed to fit it into my busy schedule, great! If not, it didn’t really bother me. For the past few months, I’ve made a conscious effort to make all of the beds in our home as soon as my daughter Isha and my son Kian are off to school. Obviously, since I’m on maternity leave I’m not in a rush in the morning and can manage to do this. Hopefully, when I return to work I can continue to include making all of the beds in my morning routine because I’ve noticed a lot of benefits.

On most days I quickly make my bed and don't lay out all of the decorative pillows. But when I have more time, I do like to make it so it looks like a luxury hotel bed. Learn how I do this and how I keep all of my linens white in this video.

1. Our Home Instantly Looks Cleaner

The beds take up so much space in our small condo, making them instantly makes our condo look much tidier. Since we don’t have a second floor we’re constantly looking at our bedrooms. We can’t just walk downstairs and forget about them. It feels a lot better to look at neatly made beds instead of messy unmade ones.

2. Provides More Space

When our beds are made we have 3 additional flat surfaces that can be used for other things. I now have space to put baby Josh down to play or to change him. I can put the laundry down on the beds when I’m sorting and folding it. If you’re tight on space, make the bed, it’ll definitely help minimize the issue.

3. Start The Day Off Right

By making the beds I feel like I’m off to a good start. I’ve accomplished a task that has improved the look and feel of my home. I feel better when I look at our tidy bedrooms and this creates a positive start to my day. I feel like I’ll be more productive throughout the day because I started it off like this.

4. Teach Kids Good Habits

My 5-year-old daughter is noticing that I do this and always wants to help me. We don’t always have time during the weekdays for her to help me. But on the weekends we’ll make all 3 beds together and she loves doing it. Let’s hope she’ll continue to feel this way as a teenager!

5. Feels Great At Bedtime

I absolutely love getting into a clean, neatly made bed at the end of the day. I love hotel beds and I’ve done quite a bit of research so that I could recreate a luxury hotel-style bed at home. In this video, I’ve explained how to freshen your bed and lift dirt, residue, moisture and dust mites lurking in your mattress. You’ll also get the opportunity to learn how to make a bed that looks and feels like one you’d find in a hotel.

If making your bed isn’t already part of your morning routine, I suggest you try to add it. I’m sure you’ll find that the benefits of doing so, far exceed the effort that’s required to get it done.

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