Top 5 Kitchen Organization Tips

When we lived in a condo, we had a fairly small kitchen, so I had to be quite organized to make sure that it functioned effectively for our family.  The following are 5 tips that will help you keep your kitchen perfectly organized.

1.  Declutter

My number one tip would be to declutter. Over time we accumulate so many things in our kitchens that we never use. It’s so important that you discard food from your fridge, freezer and pantry that’s taking up valuable space but will never be consumed. Once you’ve gone through all of your food, you then need to start getting rid of all the pots, pans, utensils, dishes, gadgets dishcloths, mugs etc. that you don’t love or use regularly. I promise you, you will never miss that egg cracker. Yes, I actually bought a gadget years ago to help me crack eggs.

Now I only keep what I value in my kitchen. I did feel guilty when I started to declutter my kitchen and realized how much money I wasted on things I never use. But once all of it had been donated or thrown out, I felt so much better now that I had space for the things I actually use. In this video I shared 3 kitchen must-haves that truly spark joy every time I use them:

2.  Decant

I love decanting anything and everything! Flour, rice, sugar, salt and a ton of other pantry items are all decanted. I even decanted the condiments in my fridge! Now I don’t think you need to be as crazy about decanting as I am. But it really does help to decant items that come in larger boxes like cereal and granola bars because it’ll save you a ton of space. It also looks so much better when things are decanted. You won’t have to look at all of the colourful packaging anymore and your space will look less cluttered.

3.  Label

Placing labels on decanted items like salt, sugar and flour will help you identify what it is, so it’s important to do this. You should also consider labelling your pantry bins so that everyone in your home will always put things where they belong. I like to use this machine to create my custom vinyl labels. But an inexpensive label machine or even handwritten labels works perfectly fine.

4.  Organizers

It really helps to invest in bins, containers, risers and dividers to keep the items in your kitchen organized. Without these organizers, items will quickly get mixed up and disorganized again. You don’t just want to throw things in a drawer or cupboard. Look for organizers that will help keep the space tidy.

5.  Cleaning Schedule

Lastly, I recommend that you create a cleaning schedule for your kitchen. It will get overwhelming if you decide to tackle your fridge, freezer, oven, pantry and cabinets all on the same day. You want to break it down and create a schedule so that it’s easy for you to maintain a clean and organized kitchen. In my Clear the Clutter membership, I will teach you how to fully declutter and organize your home step-by-step. We will then create a custom cleaning schedule so that it’s easy for you to maintain a clean home. Sign up here for more information.

Maintaining an organized kitchen will be a lot easier if you follow these tips. It takes time and effort to do it, but I promise you, it'll be worth it!

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