One of my most popular blog posts is my post on Make Ahead Smoothie Packs. And to be honest, I understand why it’s such a popular post - this entire smoothie system saves me so much time and ensures that my family and I are having something healthy every single day. I’ve made some changes since I wrote that post and figured I’d include the updates in this post.
The reason I like to create these smoothie packs is because my smoothies contain a lot of ingredients and if I were to pull them out every single day, it would take forever to make a smoothie and I’d be messing up my kitchen every time. This would result in me giving up on this healthy habit. Instead, I just make 12 of them at once and since we only have smoothies Monday to Friday, I only have to do this a couple times per month.
I like to use reusable large silicon freezer bags because they’re better for the environment than using disposable freezer bags. They’re also durable and easy to clean. All I do is dump all of the ingredients in the bags and seal them. Over time my bags have become more difficult to seal, so I just fold it over at the top and wrap a rubber band around the pack to hold it shut. I then keep 6 of them in the freezer in our house. We have a second freezer in our garage and that’s where I keep the other 6. If you don’t have the space to store 12 of these, you can simply reduce the amount that you make. I also realized that these racks I use for organizing various items around the house were perfect for holding up the freezer bags as I fill them. So I just borrow them when I'm making these freezer smoothie packs and then put them back.
I don’t really measure when making these smoothies, but here’s the recipe with estimated measurements. Each smoothie pack makes enough for 2 adults and 4 young children (my kids don't eat/drink a lot). I add the following to the freezer bags:
*1.5 cups - Mixed Frozen Berries
1 cup - Spinach
1/3 cup Frozen Riced Cauliflower
1/3 cup - Frozen Avocado Pieces
*1.5 cups Vanilla EssentialMeal Meal Replacement Protein
1/4 cup - Nuts (usually walnuts)
1 tbsp - Chia
1 tbsp - Flaxseeds
1/2 tsp - Cinnamon
1 tsp - Turmeric
Pinch - Black Pepper (to half of the packs because apparently this helps with turmeric absorption, but I've also heard the opposite, so that's why I only add it to 1/2 of the freezer smoothie packs)
3 tbsp - Greek Yogurt
3 tbsp - Cottage Chese
*1 Banana
1/4 cup Kefir
1/2 cup Broccoli Sprouts
I grow the broccoli sprouts at home and freeze them until I need them for smoothie freezer pack prep. Broccoli sprouts are super healthy and easy to grow at home. Just do a quick Google search to learn how to grow them.
*I also love the Coffee Essential Meal. If I'm using that flavor, I leave out the frozen berries and banana.
Every weekday morning I simply dump all of the ingredients from one of these bags into my blender. I then add about 2.5 cups of cold water to the empty bag, swish it around so that any leftover ingredients can easily be poured out of the bag and into the blender. Then I simply blend and serve.
I like to pour the smoothie out into mason jars. For the kids, I’ll use smaller jars, and larger ones for my husband and I. These plastic lids are perfect for the jars and I also love using these straws since they're reusable. It takes a bit of effort to wash them, but definitely worth it!
I have many more meal planning and prepping tips and tricks that I’ve learned over the years. I share my entire meal planning process in the Clear the Clutter Membership. So make sure to look into that if you’d like to know more.
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